Sunday, November 14, 2010


Yes, I wrote there results which means there are more than one result that came out on the same day, last Friday. First of all, I've finished my ELIT exam. Yahoo!! One of the heavy burdens have been lifted off my shoulder. Well, my exam starts at 8.30 am and finish at 10.30 am. About the same time, 9.00 am onwards to be exact, the IELTS result have come out which can be checked through the internet.

Right after my ELIT exam, Rina and I went to the IT Center to check our results. Overall Band = 8. I'm shocked and ecstatic at my result. I've never got an overall band 8 throughout my study here in KY. What's more unbelievable is I got a 9 for my listening component. Well, never saw that coming. With an 8 for reading and 7 for both speaking and writing, I think I have done my very best.

In the afternoon, Mr. Alderson hand us back our test result for Further Maths. I'm quite happy with myself as I managed to score a B although I believe I could do better than that. Nevertheless, that was still a big achievement for me and to make it better, I still need to do revision starting now.

Talking about now, KY is still in its serene atmosphere as most of the studentS haven't come back from their holidays yet. The upside part is the internet connection is much faster as compared to weekdays. Still downloading movies right now (lol). I think that's all to be shared for now. I still have a speech to memorize (Ariel the Harpy's speech from The Tempest) plus an essay on Caliban for my ELIT class.

Last but not least;
"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them."
It's all about how we use the greatness.