Hey guys... It has been a long time since I wrote my thoughts here... Well, here is one hot issue recently covered nationwide (in Malaysia)... It's the PTPTN (Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional)... To be frank, I'm not really following this particular issue. Reasons? I'm not borrowing any money from PTPTN which makes it not my business. Another thing is, I'm under MARA as in taking a loan from MARA which is pretty complicated enough on its own *another reason to not pay attention to other financial institution problems*.
From what I've heard and read, the gist of the issue is that the students want PTPTN to be revoked... One of the reasons is the interest rate. I've read somewhere comparing MARA loan (which have no interest) with PTPTN. Need me remind you that MARA is an institution on its own while PTPTN comes from the country's money. To make things worse, these people try to instil religious issue into the debate saying about 'riba'... If you don't want to dwell in 'riba' look for other financial loans without any interest charge whatsoever... Aren't that easier?
I've also read an article stating Dr. Mahathir's views on this particular issue. He reminds us that the PTPTN is to help those who are not 'wealthy' enough to further their studies, to gain more knowledge and to widen their job opportunities. From what I can see, by stopping PTPTN, only the wealthy can get the better education.
One of the objectives of the thoughts of revoking PTPTN is to promote free education for everyone. HELLO!!!! Do you think education is cheap? Aren't you grateful enough that you have FREE EDUCATION from the age of 6-17? Oh yes, you might have forgotten that phase right... That's why when you get the PTPTN money you go shopping, buy unnecessary things, going for holidays, have fun while using BORROWED money.
The PTPTN (as I recall) is not only for tuition fees but also for living expenses. If they're trying to promote free education, what will happen to the less fortunates? Didn't they need money to live too? Didn't they need money to eat? Didn't they need money to buy stationeries? I believe free education does not provide that particulars to the student, do they?
I know it's not really my place to talk about this issue but hell, it's for the future generation... Do you think everyone will be fortunate enough to be born into a wealthy family with money dropped onto their lap the minute the reach this miserable world? You're an idiot if you believe so.
Why don't we take a minute and rethink of the purpose of having PTPTN. Don't let any political views affect your future, whether it's government or opposition. If you're speculating on the bribery issue, will you swear and give full report or evidence to me that any political party is 100% free of those cancer? I bet you wouldn't.

So, lets get back to the real issue here. If you're borrowing money, you should know that you're expected to pay back those money. If you don't want to pay the interest, simply refuse from signing the contract at the initial stage. If you don't want to pay back any money, I'm suggesting two easy ways:
1) Don't borrow AT ALL.
2) Find and use your OWN MONEY (legally).
Aren't life easy :)
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