Can't I fu*king hate this world for making me alive?
I can't coz that means hating my beautiful parents
Can't I fu*king hate the breath that I took every second?
I can't coz that means hating Him
Can't I fu*king hate my surrounding for everything?
I can't coz they've been gracious enough to let me in
Then what fu*king left for me to hate?
Only me, myself and I...
Is this some kind of a fu*king sick joke
played upon my birth
to be curse into this non-acceptance
for every step I take
Am I that filthy that no one can be near me?
Am I that disgusting that no one care for me?
Am I that cheap that no one can be sincere with me?
What're the reasons for my fu*king existence around these people anyway?
I'm just a tool, yes! A TOOL!
A fu*king fool tool that can be threw away whenever and wherever
A foolish bastard that no one deem to know
the mere existence.
How idiotic of me to think that I'll be accepted as I am...
Fu*king pathetic.

p/s: sorry for the harsh words, I just need to let these things out or I'll burst...

1 comment:
asri,is everything ok? any bad things happened?
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