The sky is clear, for the first time since then,
The earth stood its ground,
The wind filled the empty spaces between them,
Just like how I dreamt it to be
But without one tiny drop;
Insignificant, intolerable, disposable,
Like a sand by the beach, pulled by the wave,
Isolating... Creating an out of place land
Called island.
Here, with myself, counting the days,
When is it going to end? O please be faster!
I can't wait any longer...
The patch of light is not helpful,
Burning, grilling, toasting,
into ashes.
Blown away by the gentle wind, caressing,
The heart that was once mine,
The limb that was once ours,
The rock that was once a witness,
Salving the red scars with blue droplets
Leaving a vio-let mark covered by the grey dust.
It's my choice, my decision,
An implied action without expression,
Nobody needs the reason.
Thus, the growth means nothing for everything.
It's long forgotten - intentionally.
Why? That's the only way I know how to...