Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Permata Seni

Did you guys watch TV2 just now. The young generation of Malaysia is so talented! It is a shame that this 'Permata Seni' program does not exist when I'm still in the age group (8-15 years old). LOL. I so wanted to perform at Istana Budaya, perhaps in the dance group. It is nice to know that there are still movements, clubs or even societies that have the initiative to preserve the culture of Malaysians. Nowadays, rap and hip hop have bombastically invaded our nation. As a cultural person, I'm so proud of the 'Permata Seni' group as it is the living proof that our own traditional culture will not be washed out by the flow of time.

Today, I've check my email and FINALLY Heriot-Watt gave me the conditional offer for the second year entry with AAB requirement. I'm so happy! The one university that I wanted to go the most finally reply my application with a good news. Right now, there's only one thing that I need to focus on which is homework. I originally found homeworks so tedious but I have come to my senses where homework actually is another form of revision that I have always use in the past years and right until now I have neglected the fact that knowledge is the key to success.

As my college song sounds;
"Knowledge is the key to freedom,
Study is the road to truth"
p/s: If there's any mistake on that please tell me.

So, Heriot-Watt here I come.

Last but not least;
"Someone who forget history are bound to repeat them"
- George Santayana

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